Android Google Play Store TroubleShoots

Google Play Store is the default App Store for Android devices. Google itself, Google Play Store is a core application on every Android device including Android mobiles android tablets and Android Tablet TV as well.

However, google play store app is is quite precise and error-free application but still, users have reported several errors on Google Play Store like download pending error, server authorisation error, google Play Store update error, another server errors followed by different error codes. This article is all about finding and fixing common Google Play Store errors.

Google Play Store TroubeShoots

Here we have discussed some common errors and problems on Google Play Store which are easy to fix and diagnose the error.

why my Playstore is showing download pending?

Play store Download pending error is a quite a common error you might have encountered while downloading an App from Google Play Store on Android. The download progress bar seems to stuck at 0% and keeps going forever.

There are several reasons that can cause Google Play Store to keep your app download going on forever. A common troubleshoot to solve the download pending error on Google Play Store please to:

  • Reset Google Play app
  • Empty Cache
  • Update Google Play Store App Manually 



Google Play Store Authentication required error

Play Store authentication required error, you might have noticed a pop-up asking you to sign in again to Google play store while downloading or updating any app from Play Store on Android.

In most of cases a simple sign in using a valid Gmail account two Google Play Store can resolve the error but if you are still getting there here is some fixes to solve the authentication required error on Play Store:

  • Reboot your phone
  • Remove Google Account
  • Clear Google Play Store Cache
  • Uninstall Play Store App Updates



Goggle Play Services Has Stopped

Tired of Constant pop-up “Google Play services has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again?. Google Play Services, is a preinstalled app for Android devices. It plays a vital role in the normal functionality of Android.

Improper cache management, frequent app download and uninstall, force closure of the play service causes the Google play services to malfunction. To Fix the Google Play services has stopped unexpectedly error,

  • Enable Google Play Services
  • Force Stop and start Google play Services
  • Clear Google Play store storage data
  • Boot in Safe mode
  • Update Play Store Manually



Sign Out of Play Store Remotely

Comes the situation in life when you are forced to sign in to someone else’s Android phone using your own Gmail or Google account.

In such, you might be wondering to find a valid method to sign out of Play Store remotely without having any physical access to the Android phone. States below to sign out of Play Store remotely.

  • Open any browser on your PC or Mobile.
  • Goto Play store and login using the Gmail ID you want to remove from a remote Android device.
  • Once signed in, Click to the gear icon on the upper right corner of the page.
  • Here you can find all the devices connected to Gmail account you have signed in.
  • Click on the device you want to remove from the play store associated with that account.
  • This will sign out of Play store remotely from that Android device.


Play Store “Error retrieving information from server. [RH-01]”

This is another error code you might have encountered while downloading app from Google Play Store. Master of the user consider it as Google server error but in fact, the error is caused by Google Play Store App itself.

Improper Play Store update, frequently downloading and installing Apps, corrupt cache memory are some common causes behind the error to fix the Error retrieving information from server. [RH-01] error on Google Play Store

  • Force Restart Android
  • Clear Play Store Storage Data
  • Uninstall Play Store updates
  • Install Play Store Manually


Fixing Error retrieving information from server. [RH-01]

Google Play Store Troubleshoots: Final Words

This was a short guide to troubleshooting common Google Play Store and Google Play services problems and errors on Android. Moreover, we have discussed all the common errors and their fixes. Most of the problems on Google Play Store and services have some common troubleshooting method you can use to resolve the error.