How can I find Recycle Bin on Android? Android Recycle Bin/Trash Recovery

Samsung has recently launched an all-new feature for all Samsung Android phones called “Recycle Bin”. This recycle bin is an extra add-on fail-safe feature integrated with all new Samsung Android phones that lets you recover the deleted files on Android without any guilt. The feature is easily accessible on the Samsung Android Gallery and My Files app. However, the new Samsung Recycle Bin has its own pros and cons. Some users find it useful while others find it useless. So, What is Samsung recycle bin and how to use it? Let’s find here:

The feature is easily accessible on the Samsung Android Gallery and my files app. However, the new Samsung Recycle Bin has it’s own pros and cons. Some users find it useful while others find it useless.

What is Samsung Android Recycle Bin?

Recently Samsung has introduced an integrated recycle bin for all upcoming Android phones running Android 9 and above. This recycle bin is easily accessible using the options menu button on the Samsung Gallery and My Files app. This recycle bin is used to store the files you have deleted from Gallery.

This means, All the Samsung devices running Android 9 and above, allow you to restore the deleted files on the Samsung Android phone. This is quite similar to the recycle bin used on your PC and computer.

However, you can toggle the recycle bin option on/off and choose whether you want deleted files to be removed permanently or moved to the recycle bin.

Read Also: How to Empty Trash Files on Android?

How to Access Recycle Bin on Android?

The recycle bin is set to enabled by default on Android 9 and above. However, you can toggle in on or off. In order to find the recycle bin, you can use either the default Gallery app on the My files app separately.

Here one thing you must keep in mind that the recycler bin is assigned differently for the Galley app and the Samsung file manager app.

This means you need to enable/disable the recycle bin for these apps separately. Also, the files deleted or moved to recycle bin using these apps can only be found or restored on respective apps only.

In a nutshell, the files deleted using the Gallery app will be moved to the Gallery recycle bin, and similarly, the files deleted on the My files app are accessible by the My files app only.

So now let us find a method to find and enable/disable recycle bin on Android.

Find Recycle Bin on Android using Gallery

  1. Open default Galley App on Android mobile.
  2. Tap on three verticle lines to open settings.
  3. Here toggle the Recycle bin option on/off to enable or disable the recycle bin.
Gallery>Settings>toggle Recycle bin enable

You can choose your preference to either keep the recycle bin enabled or disabled. Once enabled, your media deleted from the Gallery app will be moved to the recycle bin and can be easily restored. However, you can empty the recycle bin to delete the files permanently.

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Find Recycle Bin on Android using My Files

  1. Open default My files on Android mobile.
  2. Tap on three verticle lines to open settings.
  3. Here toggle the Recycle bin option on/off to enable or disable the recycle bin.
My Files>Settings>toggle Recycle bin enable

Deleting Files From Android Recycle Bin

As we discussed above, once you have enabled the recycle bin on Android, all the deleted files will be moved to the trash instead of deleting from storage. Anyone can access and restore the deleted files by opening the recycle bin.

In order to delete the files permanently and free storage on Android. The user is required to delete the files and media from the Recycle bin as well.

Here is how you can permanently remove files or empty the recycle bin.

To Empty Recycle Bin on Android:

  1. Open Gallery.
  2. tap on three vertical lines and select Recycle bin from the menu.
  3. Now tap on “Empty recycle bin” to delete the files permanently.

You can also use this method to restore the deleted file using the same method. Here you need to remember that the files deleted using the gallery app can only be restored or deleted permanently by accessing Galley recycle bin and the same applies to the files deleted by the My Files app.

Android recycle Bin-Final Words:

Android recycle bin is an extra fail-safe feature introduced with Android 9. Android mobile like Samsung is now equipped with a new recycle bin which allows users to restore the deleted files without any regret. Still, some users rate it as useful while others find it useless. What do you think about this new feature?